You chose:
"I want to feel OK not knowing exactly what will happen next."

We often can’t know exactly what is going to happen, or when it will happen.

Whether it’s waiting for test results, or seeing how bodies respond to a treatment, or even the uncertainty about how long it will take to get better, not knowing can be really tough.

No matter what is happening, you can use your imagination to focus on ideas and thoughts that help you feel more comfortable and confident while you have to wait to see what happens next.

You can also listen to this audio in Spanish.


  • Create some space for yourself! Let other people know you’d like not to be bothered for the next 20 minutes or so.
  • You can sit down, lay down, or listen in any position you like. Just find a spot that is comfortable for you right now.
  • You can use headphones or play the audio out loud, whichever it most comfortable for you. Most people find that listening on headphones if better for them, especially is they are in a place where other people are around. Headphones can help block out the outside world, and let people know you’d prefer not to be bothered.
  • Remember that you can just pay attention to ideas that help you, and let the rest just float away!