You chose: "I want to feel calm during procedures and pokes."
Step 1: Listen to this introduction audio.
ImaginAction can be really helpful for helping you feel more comfortable and control during medical procedures, but it is more useful if you do a little preparation first. Listen to this short intro to learn a few quick and easy steps that can help a lot!
You can also listen to this audio in Spanish.
Step 2: Watch this video about controlling pain.
Controlling pain is easier when we understand how it works, and how we can change it with a few simple strategies! Take a few minutes to learn more by watching this video: You Are The Boss Of Your Brain. It’s a good idea to watch it with your mom, dad, or any other adult that helps take care of you so that they can learn more ways to help you (and themselves!) too!
Step 3: Download a Game Plan.
Everyone feels better when we know what is going to happen next! You can use this Game Plan as a guide to help you decide what you want to help you during your next poke or procedure. You know yourself best, so you are the best one to decide! You also should share it with your medical providers and the adults in your world so they know how to best help you feel comfortable and in control!
Step 4: Choose one of the audio guides below.
We have three different ImaginAction choices for you for your next poke or procedure so you can choose what you like best! You can try them out beforehand if you have the time, or just dive right in if you don’t. The more you practice, the better you get, so listening to recordings ahead of time is a good idea when you can!
Favorite Place
You can also listen to this audio in Spanish.
Magic Carpet
You can also listen to this audio in Spanish.
Video Game
You can also listen to this audio in Spanish.
- Create some space for yourself! Let other people know you’d like not to be bothered for the next 20 minutes or so.
- You can sit down, lay down, or listen in any position you like. Just find a spot that is comfortable for you right now.
- You can use headphones or play the audio out loud, whichever it most comfortable for you. Most people find that listening on headphones if better for them, especially is they are in a place where other people are around. Headphones can help block out the outside world, and let people know you’d prefer not to be bothered.
- Remember that you can just pay attention to ideas that help you, and let the rest just float away!